ntent like: 'GOOD', 'I love it', 'Who has this?', series of random/repetitive strings or in a language we do not understand.
Do not advertise (including cash links and links that circumvent direct access) or solicit. You are allowed to include a link to your site/blog (for further reading purpose; do not included a non JAV-related site) only if you are posting contributory content. To avoid advertisement suspicion, always try to post the content instead of a link to the content.
Do not request, ask or beg for download links. Ask the members who has it via private messages. If you cannot find a video page, try to request it at the appropriate section of the forum.
Do not post image, video or text content that violates international laws, including but not limited to cruelty, bestiality and child pornography. We have a zero tolerance policy towards content that exploits children. We will report violators to law enforcement.
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